Become A Voting Member

QChat Has A Broadly Open Voting Membership
Join today! 

Want to contribute to the future and direction of British Columbia's ONLY peer support helpline for LGBTQ2S+ youth? Join as a voting member!

Why is QChat seeking Voting members?
  • A core value of QChat is a democratic leadership structure and providing leadership opportunities. As the organization grows, we would love for the voices of direct service volunteers to have a say in the organization's direction.
What is a General Voting Member of QChat?  
  • A General Voting member will have the following rights and responsibilities:
  • To attend and vote at AGM or any “Special General” meetings on:
    i) Minutes of the previous meeting: The minutes of the previous year’s AGM will be presented and approved.
    ii) Financial statements: The organization presents its annual financial statements to all voting members for approval.
    iii) Ratification of the directors’ actions: Voting members approve and ratify the decisions made by the board of directors over the previous year.
    iv) Election of the board of directors: Voting members elect the board of directors for the upcoming year/term.
Next Steps: 

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Coming Soon!

We are still recruiting volunteers to make this project work. If you want to be the first to know when our lines go live, leave your email below!

Thank You, we'll keep in touch!
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